Monday, June 30, 2014

#SelfiesAreOkAtAnyAge Challenge: Central Texas Small Business Owner Maliss K Scott

No REALLY selfies are okay at any age today! They are actually a requirement to interact in the current culture at an appropriate level. Not just teenagers, famous people, and President Obama. If I can do it you can do it too! And you NEED to do it, not your food, or your pet, not even your kid, take a picture of you! My Challenge to you is to take a selfie (do I really have to remind you keep it clean?!?!) and send it to me with permission to post it and I will send you a free digital copy of my book about SEO.
I'm the absolute worst at them, it amazes me what my twin 5 year olds can accomplish with an iPhone much less my teenage daughter. It comes to them naturally, they are Technological Natives and I am just an Immigrant (thank you Dana Booth for that perfect description).  
I am a Central Texas Small Business Owner, The Midas Touch, and I teach Realtors & Mortgage Originators (and honestly anyone else who'd listen to me) how to be seen and heard in today's market. We have been pushed full force into a marketing culture  that the requires us to know that Technology has intertwined with old school "Press the Flesh" and we must learn and master the combination. To be successful in our industry you need to embrace being High Tech but you must maintain High Touch.
I can help if you have been struggling with the concept OR if you just need some fresh input to motivate. My business motto is "Teaching You to Turn Everything You Touch in Real Estate to Gold" and I live to inspire my clients to embrace change and have enthusiasm for our industry. 
I teach classes and conduct 1 x 1 Strategy Coaching and I'm not afraid to put miles on my Hipster cool micro car, she loves to drive the beautiful Hill Country Roads. Contact me today and lets get your marketing where it needs to be and you Inspired!
Malissa K Scott 512-844-1022

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